Be sure to bring your mother to this Silk Road Show! It will be light sand which glistens the pearl from their eternal necklace. Skylar will be doing a special Spirit/North/White/Dance with new dance style variations that will blow you away!

Solo Performance at Pasha's Thurday April 16th. Doors open at 5pm for food and vibing with the place and the people. Show starts at 8pm. To watch dancing at Pasha's downtown is absolutely free. They may be conditioned in expecting you to buy food.

Skylar has 10 days to focus and practice for it!

Skylar would love your assistance in making the show a brilliant one. Music suggestions, (cd copies of music), attire/costume/garb ideas, suggestions, offerings, trades (Skylar knows massage, and general house/office/space clearing, organizing, and artistic design)

Contact me really soon at (503)954-6490 and/or [email protected]